2021 Federal Tax Guide

This is a great and timely PDF from MassMutual. The information is current as of 12/28/2020. This information can change so refer to www.irs.gov for the most current info. A handy download button is at the bottom of this post.

Covid Laws – AB685

Courtesy of: Chris Cianci, Senior Associate Lagasse Branch Bell + Kinkead 213-766-4266 | ccianci@lbbklaw.com With the new year upon us, I know many people are eager to get back to some semblance of normalcy and, in particular, back into our workspace with our employees or co-workers. However, with COVID-19 cases spiking in Los Angeles – and expected to increase this … Read More

Covid-19 Enrollment Extension Until 08/31/2020

[countdown date=”31 Aug 2020″ format=”WDH” event=”Until End of Covid-19 Special Enrollment“] Consumers who are insured and eligible to enroll in health care coverage through Covered California will now be able to sign up through the end of August. The extension will also apply to consumers who enroll in off-exchange plans, outside of Covered California, to ensure that people enrolling in … Read More

Covered California – Special Enrollment Is Expanding!

Due to the circumstances associated with COVID-19 Covered California is expanding it’s Special Enrollment Period for 2020. Effective immediately, any eligible consumer can enroll in health coverage without experiencing a qualifying life event or other special circumstance. This new policy will be in effect until June 30, 2020. CALL US TODAY @ 818-253-1736 … WE”RE HERE TO HELP!

Covered California New Special Enrollment Period

A new Special Enrollment Period (SEP) has been established for consumers who: • Learned about the Individual Shared Responsibility Penalty or the California Premium Subsidy after Open Enrollment. • Have current health insurance coverage through an off-exchange plan but wish to purchase a plan through Covered California to qualify for the new California Premium Subsidy or existing federal subsidies, which … Read More

Voluntary benefits: 5 ways companies can educate employees

via: benefitspro.com ( https://bit.ly/2fAjooS )  by: Sharla St. Rose Over the past several years, employers and insurance providers have transitioned from paper-based enrollment processes to digital platforms. The benefits are abundant: a higher level of personalization; easier and more timely access to benefits; and a more streamlined, efficient and controllable process. You get it. Yet along the way, we started … Read More

Read This Before You Buy Health Insurance

By Dan Caplinger Published May 21, 2016 Markets Fool.com Dealing with insurance is always complicated, and health insurance in particular can be almost incomprehensible for the average person. Yet whether you get health insurance coverage through your employer, an independent insurance provider, an Obamacare exchange, or a public program like Medicare Advantage, you need to be aware of the impact … Read More

All The Free Health Care You Can Get Without Using A Deductible

~ From LifeHacker – Vitals – Beth Skwarecki ~ If you’re putting off a checkup or a tetanus booster because you think you’d have to pay a ton for it, we have good news. Even if you haven’t met your deductible, you still don’t have to pay a cent for most common types of preventive care. Deductibles Don’t Work the … Read More

Over Half of Employers Could Trigger Health Plan Excise Tax

Nearly 60% of employers and other health plan sponsors say they will — unless they make changes — trigger the health care reform law excise tax on costly plans, according to a new survey. Under that Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act provision, which a growing number of lawmakers want to repeal, a 40% excise tax will be imposed, starting … Read More