from our friends at: Medicare Rights Center
Last week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released information about Medicare costs in 2025, including the 2025 premium, deductible and coinsurance amounts for Medicare Part A and Part B. The agency also announced the income-related monthly adjustment amounts (IRMAA) for Part B and Part D for people with income above a certain amount; roughly 8% of people with Medicare pay these higher premiums.
In 2025, the standard monthly premium for Medicare Part B will be $185, an increase of $10.30 from the 2024 amount. The deductible for Part B services will be $257, a $17 increase from the deductible of $240 in 2024. CMS attributes the increases to “projected price changes and assumed utilization increases that are consistent with historical experience.”
The Part A premium is $0 for the vast majority of beneficiaries. The full premium, which only enrollees over age 65 who have fewer than 30 calendar quarters (7.5 years) of work in a job where they or their spouse paid Social Security taxes and certain younger beneficiaries eligible for Medicare due to disability who have exhausted other benefits pay, will be $518 a month. Some people over 65 who have fewer than 40 but more than 30 quarters of coverage will pay a reduced rate of $285 per month.
The Part A inpatient hospital deductible will increase $44 to $1,676 in 2025, and the coinsurance for hospital inpatient days 61-90 will be $419 per day, up from $408. For skilled nursing facility stays, the daily coinsurance for days 21-100 will be $209.50, an increase over the 2024 level of $204.Read the rate announcement here.